Well, it’s been a long time coming!! James and I have been super busy over the last year. James has shipped Windows 10. Mark has become a father and shipped Apartments.com. And… we’ve found some time to chip away at the next version of BringCast!

BringCast 4 is a ground-up re-write of the popular podcasting app for Windows Phone. We’ve re-architected it for the modern Windows platform, and it is available for Windows Phone 8.1 today! The work we have done also makes it a seamless transition to move BringCast to Windows 10 – both phone and desktop/tablet – in the not too distant future!

So, what’s new in BringCast 4? Well, quite a lot actually!

  • Playback is now simpler. There is no need to subscribe to shows any more. You can browse for any show and start streaming episodes with a tap.
  • Of course, if you want to subscribe, you can. We’ll manage automatically downloading new episodes for you in the background and clean up things you have played. We’ll automatically add episodes to playlists, and scan for new episodes even when BringCast isn’t running, showing notifications in the action center when new episodes are available.
  • Searching for shows just got a whole lot better, with web-powered search! This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and discover new shows to love.
  • We now have variable playback speed, to help you get through your shows as efficiently as possible.
  • Episodes can be sorted and filtered thanks to a new database engine that powers the whole app.
  • The user interface is customizable allowing you to add quick links to your favorite shows and filters to the menu. We’ve also built the UI to look great on any sized phone screen.
  • If you like we can download episodes in the background using cellular data.
  • Cortana integration allows you to ask Cortana to search for a show, or to play or pause playback.

Perhaps best of all, the basic functionality of BringCast 4 is FREE!

If you’re interested in some of the gory details of BringCast development, be sure to check out the BringCast Dev Podcast.

Check out some screenshots below, and be sure to stay tuned to @bringcast on Twitter for updates!